Tuesday 10 October 2017

Island 403 - Fall IslandOileán an Easa/, County Donegal

Fall Island (Oileán an easa in Irish) is a small island linked to The Rosses area of County Donegal two miles north west of the small town of Burtonport at low tide by a beautiful cream coloured sandy beach.  There is one house on the island, which is about 200 metres from north to south by 100 metres from east to west.  The owners of the house obviously drive across the sand at low tide, as there are slipways at both ends.  The island is covered in grass, heather and bracken.

By the mainland slipway there is a memorial stone commemorating the five men who died on 31st October 1981 when their trawler Skifjord hit a reef between Arranmore and Burtonport and sank. Four crewmen survived by swimming to the island of Inishinny.

Road leading to the house on Fall Island
Looking back to the mainland from Fall Island
Boat on Fall Island
Disclaimer notice
Fall Island from the mainland
Memorial by the slipway down to the beach
Fall Island from the mainland

1 comment:

  1. My parents used to own this island and the house on it. Best childhood summers ever
