Tuesday 13 September 2011

Island 141 - Sanday, Inner Hebrides

Sanday is located to the south east of the island of Canna in the Inner Hebrides.  It is largely low lying.  The highest point on the island is 44 metres.  At the east end of the island are 2 stacks where puffins breed – Dun Mor and Dun Beag.  There is a small lighthouse at the south east end of the island.  In 2011 the population of Sanday was 9.
In 1905 a footbridge was built linking Canna and Sanday, so that schoolchildren living on Canna could get to school whatever the state of the tide.  The last footbridge was washed away in a storm in 2005 and was replaced by a vehicular bridge.
There are signs of Norse burials on the island.

 Bridge linking Canna and Sanday from the Sanday side

 Sanday from Compass Hill

 Sanday from Compass Hill, Rum in the background

Sanday from Canna showing the bridge

Shrine to the Virgin Mary

 St Edward's Church
The Catholic Church was built by Lady Bute in memory of her father.  It was converted into a Gaelic Study Centre in 2001 and was opened by the Princess Royal but was locked up when I visited and looking rather unloved.

 St Edward's Church
 Ruined house

Sanday's tidal road

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