Wednesday 26 June 2013

Island 195 - Ness of Sound, Yell, Shetland

Ness of Sound is a small island linked to the west coast of Yell between Setter and Sound by a substantial tombolo.  The highest point on the island is 32 metres above sea level.  The island is about 600 metres from north to south by 500 metres from east to west.  The tombolo is partly covered in grass, so I doubt whether it gets breached or covered very often by the sea.  There is a small lighthouse on the west coast and Robert Irvine's Skerries (rocks) are located off the north west coast.  The area to the north of the tombolo is called the North Wick of Sound and the area to the south is called the South Wick of Sound - very logical!  When I visited there were about a dozen seals in the sea just off the beach to the south of the tombolo, who kept a close eye on what I was doing.

There is a track that leads down the hill from the main road.  However it ends with a gate into someone's yard around their house.  It didn't say private no access, so I opened it and walked through and out a gate the other side onto the beach.  I thought about knocking on the door to ask if it was permissible to visit Ness of Sound.  However I thought that might invite rejection, so went for strolling nonchalantly through but prepared to stop and apologise if challenged.  There was a car outside the house but no one was in sight.

 Tombolo from Yell
This cottage doesn't look to be inhabited on a full-time basis
 Yell from Ness of Sound
 Yell from Ness of Sound

 Ness of Sound from Yell

Ness of Sound from Yell

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